Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Little Crap is Better Than Big Sh-- !

Probably like most of you, I can get pretty frustrated with my own family. They know how to push my buttons better than anyone else because they're the ones who did the initial install!

Every family has its crap. Crap is normally annoying, very happiness detracting. Little did I know that the horrible nightmare created by my in-laws would be a hidden, happiness-building blessing. The great bag of sh-- I get from my in-laws has allowed me the opportunity to newly appreciate MY family's crap. I am so grateful, so blissfully happy to be with my family now. My family members haven't changed (--gotten worse in fact with age), but my perspective has changed about them.

I am now happy to be stuck with my family's crap. In fact, I kiss the crap my family walks on because now I know it sure beats having to deal with what is much, much worse, the unfamiliar, the dark side, "the Others:" my husband's family who make the guests of the Jerry Springer Show look like smarmy Reader's Digest characters.

And so, I'm happier from a surprising twist. You sure won't hear this message preached from any pulpit, but thank God, "a little crap is better than big sh--!" Amen!

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