Monday, October 6, 2008

Coddling My Egg

My friend Runner is constantly perky, upbeat, and positive so over the years I have, of course, had to examine her psychology every which way I can in an effort to either a) develop a strategy to undermine her natural tendencies and bring her down to my level or b) develop a strategy to be more like her. If my brain chemistry is lined up right, I go for option b and what I've discovered is that she ferociously protects her happiness. It is like she has an invisible shield that she readily throws out in front of her any time ANYTHING negative comes her way. Watch a sad movie? It isn't going to happen. Why would she want to borrow some fictional characters sadness? Listen to sad music? Why would she chose songs that depress her? Listen to your sob story? Nah.

Runner is an athlete so the vision of actively throwing out a shield seems to fit her. Me, I'm more a gentle nurturer and have developed my own imagery to help me hold onto the concept of protecting my happiness. It works better to think of my happiness as an intricately decorated and very valuable fragile egg that I have to protect. I can't be careless, reckless, or casual about its care or it will be ruined. I'm trying to look at everything that I allow into the moments of life to determine whether it is going to emotionally be helpful or hurtful. Is it going to be bring me up or is going to bring me down? Sometimes is is easier than it is at other times to make those choices but the reality persist: in every moment, the choice is mine.

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