Thursday, October 9, 2008

Brain Pain

I serendipitously coined the phrase "brain pain" when I was writing another post the other day. Ultimately, I edited it out of that post but think it is so deliciously descriptive that it gets to star in its own post today. I love to stock my mental toolbox with handy-dandy little phrases like that so that I can readily pull one out and clobber myself with it when the mood meter dips low.

Like the jargon of any specialty, my own "happiness" jargon is shorthand for a much bigger idea. "Brain pain" is all that pain that only exists in my thoughts. Sometimes it is cud that I'm still chewing from some past ickiness. Sometimes it is pain I'm borrowing from a future that obviously isn't here yet. As I revealed in another post, it might even be angst from a flipping dream that I didn't leave on my pillow when I got up in the morning. I've even had whole arguments with another person that the other party wasn't even aware of because, that's right, the whole drama occurred no where but in my head! But in my head or in reality, it makes no difference, the yucky feelings are all the same and I don't like yucky feelings.

So now that I have this little phrase in my toolbox, I'll use it to help me challenge what is going on in my head and channel surf on past the stuff that is just "brain pain'. After all, there are plenty of fish to fry in real life. I don't need to be creating pretend ones.

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