Friday, November 7, 2008

When Ya Know It's Comin'

Sometimes you know in advance that you will be vulnerable to The Blues. Maybe it's the weekend, everyone is busy, and you know that once AGAIN you will face having to fill the entire two and half days/evenings by your lonesome without any human contact (except for the check out cashier). Maybe it's your ageing parent whose had a turn for the worse and you know it's just a question of time.

Instead of just sitting with the panic and dread, I decide to try to plan as best as I can --knowing there will always be surprises and unexpected obstacles. I've got my happiness first aid kit: the music that makes me move, the films that make me laugh, my best friend's phone number, my dog who comes up whether he's invited or not, my favorite spot outside, and a moral obligation to cope well because of this blog (oh, yeah, and because I'm a role model to my child).

Part of my preparation entails also trying to find small obstacles to overcome so I'll be in better coping shape for the Big One that's around the corner. Maybe I'll stand naked in front of 20 men glommed onto the Superbowl who will utterly ignore me. That should be a good one.

Hmm... I feel the urge to go OUT and experiment with getting blows to my ego & spirit. What else could I do?

While I'm brainstorming, I think I have to go lie down. The thought of having to leave the house the way I look right now is just depressing me. :-)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good idea. . . to actually plan for the blues in advance and have a life raft you can just have handy. I'm putting my favorite upbeat CDs in a shoebox under my bed!
